Sunday, June 21, 2009

More Thrills at Pawnee Bill Ranch...

Talon beamed while riding 'Why', a beautiful leopard appaloosa.

Riding off into the sunset...

During intermission at the Wild West Show, Talon ran to pet another leopard appaloosa named Chester. Chester's cowpoke offered Talon a spent bullet from the show as a souvenir. Talon looked puzzled at the strange offering and didn't take it. The cowboy said, 'Don't you want it?' Talon replied emphatically: No, I just wanted to pet the horse!

It was cute and funny---and I was secretly very pleased with my boy--- a 4 year old certainly doesn't need a bullet!

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  1. yes, it is a pretty horse, and a beautiful boy

  2. I like Why and I want to go back there 3 times!
    Talon (with Mom's help)

  3. Thank you, DeLynne! Talon had tons of fun with you--- thanks for spending so much time entertaining him.

  4. I like Why alot Talon,and i hope you get to ride him agin. Gram


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