Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lesa's Rustic Taco Soup

What is the perfect soup for a cold winter night? Rustic taco soup, of course!  

Too tired to make soup? No worries-- this soup is so quick and easy that you will have energy to spare.

This is what you need plus one pound of ground beef and toppings of choice.

Brown beef in a skillet then drain.
Place drained beef in a soup pot and add:
1 14oz can of diced tomatoes
1 can of Rotel any flavor (I like lime/cilantro)
1 packet of regular taco seasoning mix
1 packet of ranch dressing mix
1 can of ranch style beans undrained
1 can of black beans drained
1 can of cannellini beans drained
1 can of kidney beans drained
1 or 2 cans of hominy drained (I like 2 to balance out all the beans) 
1 bottle of beer
enough water for soupiness

All drained beans/hominy are optional-- use and/or double your favorites. Green beans or sweet corn work as well. This was my first time using kidney beans-- tasty. I'm thinking of trying green limas next time-- to add color and I love limas.

Now that's one plumb larapin bowl of soup!

Delicious topped with cilantro and a squeeze of lime or shredded colby/jack or a dollop of sour cream or all of the above!

Serve with tortilla chips, tortillas or cornbread.

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  1. you had me at shiner...

  2. Oh,such scrumptious looking soup!!A bowl please.This soup looks so yummy!tasty!

  3. Gram, get your bee-hind up here-- We miss you! I'm going to post more good eats if that will help lure you to OK!

  4. YOUR SOUP LOOKS DIVINE! Went to the grocery sot toddy, but I may have to go back tomorrow to pick up all that we will need. Glad you son liked my red hot the fellow that has it for sale is hoping someone else likes it well enough to BUY it! Now he has another one in the driveway. Tried to get a photo of it today, but the volunteer fire guy came up behind me and put on his siren and blue light. I freaked out and got off the shoulder. Thought it was the cops!LOL What we won’t do to get a photo!

  5. Thanks, Genie! Hope you try it!

    'What we won’t do to get a photo!'-- ain't that the truth! I've had some crazy photo meme adventures!


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