Where the buffalo roam...
and the deer and the antelope play...
These animals live at the Woolaroc wildlife preserve that was owned by oilman Frank Phillips.
Does anyone know what type of deer the unusual white one is? Daddy doesn't even know so it must be a mystery deer.
Does anyone know what type of deer the unusual white one is? Daddy doesn't even know so it must be a mystery deer.
The museum and lodge walls, ceilings and tables are covered with preserved animals. Of course, living in Oklahoma, we are used to seeing a few trophys here and there--- but this was so extreme that it put us right off Mr. Phillips. There was actually a poor giraffe's neck and head jutting out from a wall of the lodge.
Yeah, I know what you are thinking, besides eeyew, of course. We thought the same thing---that Frank Phillips was a big game hunter shipping exotic animals into his own private preserve to hunt. Imagine our suprise when a docent explained that that all the animals (except 4) died of natural causes after a happy life on the preserve. Phillips was friends with the Ringlings so some may have been retired from the circus.
Yeah, I know what you are thinking, besides eeyew, of course. We thought the same thing---that Frank Phillips was a big game hunter shipping exotic animals into his own private preserve to hunt. Imagine our suprise when a docent explained that that all the animals (except 4) died of natural causes after a happy life on the preserve. Phillips was friends with the Ringlings so some may have been retired from the circus.
After that, we thought better of old Frank...
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