Look at this little memory journal showing the progression of Talon's art, thoughts, and name writing over the last school year. What a wonderful surprise! Many thanks to both Mrs. Spearmans-- for being kind loving teachers and for going above and beyond the call of duty to make this journal.
(By the way, three of the four Pre-K teachers are sisters-in-law. Total digression, I know, but after 25 years I still find small towns quirky and charming-- and I've learned to never say anything about anyone-- even from nearby towns--- they are all related!)
Here are a few pages out of the journal-- remember you can click on the picture to enlarge.
Love this one from last August-- one of my first blogposts ever was of Talon's curly haired self portraits. This is a good representation of his drawings this past school year-- most are rockets, racecars and monster trucks.
This recipe will have turkey on the table in a jiffy!
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