Read about this event in the paper. Sounded good: Carnival games, storytelling, photos, contests, a movie and Trail of Terror through the woods after dark. It was pitifully disappointing! I expected lots of games: there were only 7. We only stayed about 30 minutes. Talon enjoyed it but he was more than willing to depart the premises!
Cute Punkin!.jpg)
Ugly games and past their prime--- not even dolled up for Halloween!
Finally, a Halloween theme!
Free reign at the prize box!
StoryTime! Talon lasted about 10 seconds. Straw bales are very prickly! I can't believe there were no indian blankets thrown over the bales. How families were expected to sit and watch a whole movie is beyond me!! That plus the storyteller's blaring screeching voice drove us back to the car!
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